WebDev Bootcamp — Week 6

2 minute read

I finished the final week of the Web Development Bootcamp, which covered concepts like animations and transformations. We were joined by Lola Odelola, who spoke about web standards.

Read more about the Bootcamp here:


Date Description Link
Feb 14 (Mon) Learn CSS Transforms by Building a Penguin freeCodeCamp
Feb 15 (Tue) Learn CSS Animation by Building a Ferris Wheel freeCodeCamp
Feb 16 (Wed) Project: Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage Project freeCodeCamp
Feb 17 (Thu)         Guest Session: Intro to Web Standards: What/Who is the W3C YouTube
Feb 19 (Sat) Office Hours livestream for Q&A YouTube

Building a penguin

This lesson was about the transform property (e.g. skew(), rotate(), scale()), transitions and animations.

See the Pen Penguin (freeCodeCamp) by fadilla-wahyudi (@fadilla-wahyudi) on CodePen.

Building a Ferris wheel

For this lesson, we learnt how to animate a rotating Ferris wheel.

See the Pen Ferris Wheel (freeCodeCamp) by fadilla-wahyudi (@fadilla-wahyudi) on CodePen.

Project: Building a personal portfolio webpage

For our final project, we had to create a personal portfolio webpage showcasing our previous projects (e.g. the Tribute Page, the Product Landing Page) and using the grid layout. And of course it had to be responsive.

Guest session

For this guest session, we had Lola Odelola come and speak to us. She is a Developer Advocate on the Samsung Internet team.

She spoke about the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is a body of people who decide the standards for the internet. It mostly deals with HTML, CSS and JavaScript because these languages directly interacts with the web.

The W3C consists of many different groups and she mostly spoke about two types of groups: the Working Groups and the Community Groups.

  • Working Groups
    • Usually consists of organisations, not individuals.
    • These organizations pay the W3C so they can have a say on the standards.
    • This is where a standard comes to life. If a group of people have an idea for a new HTML element, they can send them a proposal, which will then be discussed by the working groups.
  • Community Groups

Final thoughts

This marks the end of the Responsive Web Design Bootcamp. I absolutely enjoyed it. I liked how the Responsive Web Design (Beta) curriculum is project-based. I find that the concepts stick in my head better, and it’s satisfying completing each lesson.

I also enjoyed the Guest Sessions. It added an extra dimension that I would have otherwise not have been exposed to (or perhaps been exposed to much later) if I had just done a pure coding course. I particularly enjoyed having Parham Doustdar speak with us. The entire session was informative and gave us practical ways to make the internet a more inclusive and accessible place.

I would recommend this course to help build a person’s foundation in HTML and CSS. Although they’d probably finish the course feeling like they know less than when they first started, because that’s how I feel right now (in the best way possible).

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