WebDev Bootcamp — Week 3

1 minute read

I finished week 3 of the six-week Web Development Bootcamp. This week was about typography, accessibility and creating navigation menu with anchor links.

Read more about the Bootcamp here:


Date Description Link
Jan 24 (Mon) Learn Typography by Building a Nutrition Label freeCodeCamp
Jan 25 (Tue) Learn Accessibility by Building a Quiz freeCodeCamp
Jan 26 (Wed) Project: Build a Tribute Page freeCodeCamp
Jan 27 (Thu) Office Hours livestream for Q&A YouTube
Jan 29 (Sat) WebDev and JavaScript Saturday Social for Q&A YouTube

There was no guest session this week.

Building a nutrition label

We learnt about typography like learning how to import a font, using span elements and properties like float, clear etc.

See the Pen Nutrition label (freeCodeCamp) by fadilla-wahyudi (@fadilla-wahyudi) on CodePen.

Building a quiz

This was by far the most difficult lesson. We learnt about adding ARIA attributes to our HTML elements, which makes websites more accessible to people with disabilities. We also learnt how to use the nav element and create anchor links.

See the Pen Accessibility Quiz (freeCodeCamp) by fadilla-wahyudi (@fadilla-wahyudi) on CodePen.

Project: Building a tribute page

For this project, we had to create a tribute page, and it had to fulfill eight user stories. I decided to do a tribute page on one of my favourite TV characters, Amy Santiago from Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

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