Typing progress in 2022

1 minute read

I wrote a post last year about my typing progress and I wanted to see if I can continue improving my typing speed and accuracy. I used the same method that I did last year, which was using a combination of TypeRacer and Monkeytype to practice typing.


Below are the stats for my typing progress this year on TypeRacer:

Graph showing my WPM for each race on TypeRacer

Graph showing my accuracy for each race on TypeRacer

This is a comparison of my stats this year and last year:

Stats 2021 2022
Number of races I completed 700 669
Slowest typing speed (WPM) 58 71
Fastest typing speed (WPM) 124 137
Number of times I reached 100% accuracy 11/700 (1.57%) 14/669 (2.09%)
Average speed (WPM) and accuracy of the first 100 races 88.76 (97.22%) 101.84 (98.07%)
Average speed (WPM) accuracy of the last 100 races 98.16 (97.94%) 103.60 (97.95%)


  • I feel more comfortable typing, but I do slip into the habit of spamming the keyboard when I am less intentional with the way I type.
  • It looks like I am plateauing in my improvement because my average speed has only gone up from 101 WPM to 103 WPM, whereas in 2021, I improved by almost 10 WPM.
  • However, I am breaking my record in terms of how fast I am typing (from 124 WPM to 137 WPM).
  • I’m going to try this out for another year and see if I can reach an average speed of 110 WPM.

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