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WebDev Bootcamp — Week 2

2 minute read

I enrolled in a Web Development Bootcamp that lasts for six weeks and I have finished week 2. The concepts we learned this week include building forms, the C...

WebDev Bootcamp — Week 1

2 minute read

I enrolled in a Web Development Bootcamp, and I just finished week 1 of 6. We learnt basic HTML and CSS. For our first week, we had two guest speakers: Barb...

WebDev Bootcamp — Intro

1 minute read

I enrolled in a free Web Development Bootcamp which started on January 10 and will last 6 weeks. It is hosted by Class Central Cohorts, which aims to make on...

Animating SVG with CSS

2 minute read

I did a course on Skillshare called “Creative Coding: Animating SVG with Simple CSS Code”. The course is relatively short (28 minutes) and covers the basics ...

Typing progress in 2021

1 minute read

Now that 2021 is ending, I wanted to reflect on the only new year’s resolution I stuck to this year, and that is my goal of improving my typing speed and acc...